Mum guilt, it’s a thing
I’m going to break it to you. Mum guilt starts as soon as you find out you’re pregnant.
It starts with, I feel guilty because:
“I’ve only eaten toast and Quavers for a month.”
“I can’t stay awake to read the pregnancy books.”
“I’m worried I’m going to miss my old life.”
“I’m excited to meet this baby but not the bit before it!”
For me now it’s not “savouring every moment.” Pretty difficult when your toddler is refusing to do… well, anything! 😂
But I’ll tell you what helps massively. Being able to recognise those thoughts and control them. Being able to reframe them. Understanding what that guilt is there to tell me (that I care!).
And knowing when to just let myself off the hook.
Hypnobirthing skills for life! 🙌
I’ m curious, what have you felt guilty for in pregnancy? Whatever it is, you have full permission to LET IT GO!